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Spring 2 - Salvation




Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden?

Assessment for this topic

  • Christians remember Jesus’ last week at Easter
  • I can re-tell the story of Palm Sunday using role play
  • I can re-tell the story of Palm Sunday through song ( shout Hosanna)
  • I can talk about how the cross is a symbol to help us remember ‘Good’ Friday
  • I can help make my own Easter garden
  • I know that Easter Eggs are a symbol of new life
  • Jesus’ name means ‘He Saves’
  •  I know that Jesus’ name means ‘He Saves’
  • Christians believe Jesus came to show God’s love (Challenge)
  • I know that Christians believe Jesus came to show God’s love (Challenge)
  • Christians try to show love to one another (Challenge)
  • I can talk about ways that show we love and care for one another (Challenge)

Keywords for this topic





Palm Sunday


Good Friday

Easter Garden


Easter egg

Half-termly article for this topic

Yearbook articles

For the academic year 2022-2023, each child will be given a yearbook for their year group outlining the learning and information in each subject.