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Spring 1 - Judaism







Who is Jewish and how do they live?

Assessment for this topic


Making sense of belief:

  • Recognise the words of the Shema as a Jewish celebration (A1)
  • Re-tell simply some stories used in Jewish celebrations (e.g. Chanukah or Sukkot) (A1)
  • Give examples of how the stories used in celebrations (e.g. Shabbat) remind Jews about what God is like (A1-2) (Challenge)
  • I can recognise what special objects Jewish people have in their home
  • I know that Jewish beliefs about God are expressed as ‘God is One’ & that it is important to love God
  • I can re-tell some simple stories used in Chanukah or Sukkot
  • I know that these stories remind Jews what God is like

Understanding the impact: 

  • Give examples of how Jewish people celebrate special times (e.g. Shabbat, Sukkot, Chanukah)  (B1-2)
  • I know what Jewish people do in their home on Shabbat and preparing for Shabbat
  • Make links between Jewish ideas of God found in the stories and how people live (B2) (Challenge)
  • I know that some stories from the Jewish Bible (Tenakh) teach about God looking after his people (Challenge)
  • Give an example of how some Jewish people might remember God in different ways (e.g. mezuzah, on Shabbat) (B2)
  • I know that some Jews call it the’ day of delight’ and celebrate God’s creation (God resting on the 7th day)

Making connections: 

  • Ask some questions about what Jewish people celebrate and why (C1)
  • I know that Sukkot is a joyous festival and is linked to the Jews’ time in the wilderness and the gathering of the harvest
  • I know that the menorah and the Chanukiah link to the story of Chanukah
  • I can ask questions about why Jewish people celebrate and about what it means to them (Challenge)
  • Talk about what they think is good about reflecting, thanking, praising and remembering for Jewish people (C1-3) (Challenge)
  • I know that these festivals are a time when Jews think about the importance of celebration and remembrance (Challenge)
  • Give a good reason for their ideas about whether any of these things are good for them too (C1-3)
  • I recognise that it is important for Jews  and myself to celebrate and remember

Keywords for this topic




 Jewish prayer



challah bread

challah board    

challah cover  

wine goblet  

kosher food

Star of David on a chain

prayer books,





Mezuzah  scroll

Knowledge to be learnt in this topic

Pupils will know that:

  • The Old Testament tells the story of a particular group of people, the children of Israel known as the people of God and their relationship with God
  • The people of God tried to live in the way God wants following his commandments and worshipping him
  • They believe he promises to stay with them and Bible story show how God keeps his promises
  • The old Testament narrative explains that the people of God I meant to show the benefits of having a relationship with God and to attract all other nations to worshipping God

Half-termly article for this topic

Yearbook articles

For the academic year 2022-2023, each child will be given a yearbook for their year group outlining the learning and information in each subject.