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Fruit Picking by Jack Ousbey

Raspberry, strawberry, gooseberry, plum,

Fruit picking time is really good fun;

Out in the field, in our hats, in the sun,

Raspberry, strawberry, gooseberry, plum.


Gooseberry, strawberry, raspberry, plum,

Carefully picking with finger and thumb;

When the baskets are full our picking is done,

Gooseberry, strawberry, raspberry, plum.


Raspberry, gooseberry, strawberry, plum,

Here is a tune for pickers to hum;
Tap out the beat like the sound of a drum,

Raspberry, gooseberry, strawberry, plum.


Raspberry, strawberry, gooseberry, plum,

Now in our beds when night-time has come

We can think of our wonderful day in the sun,

Raspberry, strawberry, gooseberry, plum.