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Autumn 1 - Creation





Who do Christians say made the world?

Assessment for this topic

Core Learning

  • Retell the story of creation from Genesis 1:1–2.3 simply (A1)
  • I can talk about everyday objects and discuss who might have created them
  • I can talk about the natural world and  who might have created this
  • I can re-tell the story of creation using music, dance and role play
  • Recognise that ‘Creation’ is the beginning of the ‘Big Story of the Bible’ (A1)
  • I know that ‘Creation’ is the beginning of the ‘Big Story of the Bible’
  • I can find the creation story on the Big Story Frieze 
  • Say what the story tells Christians about God, Creation and the world (A1-3) (Challenge)
  • I can use ‘wow’ words to describe  our amazing world
  • I know that Christians believe God made our wonderful world
  • I can say what the story tells Christians about God, Creation and the world (Challenge)
  • Give at least one example of what Christians do to say thank you to God for the Creation. (B1-2)
  • I can write a prayer to say thank you for our amazing world
  • I know that harvest time is a time Christians give thanks for our amazing world
  • Think, talk and ask questions about living in an amazing world (C1-3) (Challenge)
  • I can talk and ask questions about how we should look after our amazing world (Challenge)

Digging Deeper

  • Retell the story of creation from Genesis 1:1–2:3 simply (A1)
  • I can re-tell the Creation story, recalling what happens on which days
  • I know that Christians believe that God made the world
  • I can paint a picture to show what was created on the 6th day
  • I can talk about why God rested on the 7th day (Challenge)
  • Say what the story tells Christians about God, creation and the world (A1-3) (Challenge)
  • I can talk about how we all need to take some responsibility to look after the world (Challenge)
  • Give at least two examples of what Christians do to look after the world for God (B2) (Challenge)
  • I can talk about how we can look after the  world (Challenge)
  • Think, talk and ask questions about living in an amazing world (C1-3) (Challenge)
  • I can describe some of the amazing  things in the world  (Challenge)

Keywords for this topic




 Jewish  Bible       

Genesis 1




Natural World


Thank you       




Knowledge to be learnt in this topic

Pupils will know that Christians believe:

  • God created the universe
  • The Earth and everything in it are important to God
  • God has a unique relationship with human beings as their Creator and Sustainer
  • Humans should care for the world because it belongs to God

Half-termly article for this topic

Yearbook articles

For the academic year 2022-2023, each child will be given a yearbook for their year group outlining the learning and information in each subject.