Parent Information
Year 5 and Year 6 Home Learning 8th January

Year 5
Join us on zoom at 1pm to say hello to your friends and teachers. (a text will be sent with the code)
Log into TT Rockstars for another epic KS2 Battle of the Bands
Log into Reading Eggs for today's reading task
Maths -
Non-screen activity
Create a Snow Day Poem or Story Task: · Write a poem or short story inspired by the snow day. · Include as many year 5 features as you can, e.g. expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials, exciting vocabulary, parenthesis.
You may choose to write about something fun you have gotten up to whilst it has been snowing. Alternatively, you might use your imagination and create a snowy adventure with your own made up characters!
Don't forget to email us pictures of your learning
Year 6
Join us on zoom at 10:30am to say hello to your friends and teachers. (a text will be sent with the code)
Log into TT Rockstars for another epic KS2 Battle of the Bands
Log into Reading Eggs for today's reading task
Maths -
Hello Year 6
We are really missing you all. We hope you have been keeping safe and enjoying the snowy weather with your families.
If you are able to join us for our zoom time, we will be sharing the story of 'The Boy who cried wolf' with you. The links are below to watch yourselves if you cannot join us for a chat.
We would then like you to retell this story by writing it in your own words. You may add illustrations or even create it in comic book style.
Non-screen activity
Create a descriptive explanation or information sheet of 10 activities to do in the snow. Use labels and diagrams to add to your description.
Don't forget to email us pictures of your learning