Parent Information
Year 5 and Year 6 Home Learning 10th January

Year 5
Join us on zoom at 1pm to say hello to your friends and teachers. (a text will be sent with the code)
Log into TT Rockstars for another epic KS2 Battle of the Bands
Log into Reading Eggs for today's reading task
Maths -
Non-screen activity
Snowy Landscape Art. Task: Create a snowy landscape artwork using materials you have at home (e.g., pencils, crayons, paints, or collage materials). Include details like snowy trees, hills, houses, or animals. Think about how to show shadows in the snow using shades of blue or grey. Add texture to your artwork using cotton wool, tissue paper, or other materials to make it more three-dimensional.
Shakespeare Cast - Please take some time to learn your lines for Macbeth. As school is closed, we will be missing this session so it is really important we continue to do our best to learn our lines by heart! You could ask someone at home to help you and test your memory - we will carry on with this as soon as we are back. Happy acting!
Don't forget, email us pictures of your learning
Year 6
Join us on zoom at 10:30am to say hello to your friends and teachers. (a text will be sent with the code)
Log into TT Rockstars for another epic KS2 Battle of the Bands
Log into Reading Eggs for today's reading task
Maths -
Hello year 6, we hope everyone has written us some great stories this week.
If you are able to join us for our zoom time, we will be thinking again about the stories we have read already about the boy who cried wolf and Matilda.
Today we would like you to come up with your own story idea about a character who told a lie about needing help, or something happening that was not true, like Matilda. Write your ideas as a short story, comic strip or as a poem like Matilda. Here is the link again to Matilda if you need it.
We look forward to hearing your own ideas.
Non-screen activity
If you cannot access the stories or join us on zoom:
Create a 10 question maths arithmetic test for a family member with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions questions. You must have worked out the answers first so you know if they get the answers right.
Don't forget, email us pictures of your learning