Parent Information
Nursery and Reception Home Learning 9th January

Join us on zoom at 10am to say hello to your friends and teachers. (a text will be sent with the code)
Mathematics -
This week we will be learning all about Number One.
When we learn about numbers we write them as a digit.
Just like this:
Now have a go at writing number one/1?
I would like you to look at some copper coins in your house, Can you find the coin with a 1 on it?
Put a 1p coin under a piece of paper
Gently rub the coloured tip of a pencil or crayon back and forth over the coin until the coin's design appears on the paper.
Can you see the number 1 and the word 'one'?
Activity One -
Have a look around your home for objects of different shapes.
Now have a go at drawing around them and seeing what their shape makes on the paper.
What can you recognise? Can you find a circle, a square, a rectangle, a triangle?
What else can you find? Can you now use those different shapes to draw me a picture?
I would love to see what you have drawn.
Activity Two -
Shakers are a fantastic way to explore sounds, rhythm and movement.
Have a go at making your own shaker.
Step 1. You will need a receptacle with a lid, almost any will do as long as it is non-breakable. Plastic drink bottles, crisp tubs, food boxes, cleaning product plastic containers (washed well!).
Step 2. The clean and dry container can then be filled with rice or lentils for a lighter sounding shaker, corn or chick peas for something a bit louder.
Step 3. Secure the lid with glue or tape.
Step 4. Decorate your shaker. Next you can decorate the shaker, which is part of the craft activity the children can really get involved with and love. Step 5. Enjoy making different sounds and music with your shaker.
Don't forget to email us pictures of your learning
Join us on zoom at 11am to say hello to your friends and teachers. (a text will be sent with the code)
Log into Little Wandle to practise your phonics
Non screen activities:
1. Can you think of some snowy, winter words? Maybe "cold," "hat", "wind," "snowman," or "icy." Use your phonics to sound out the words and write them down. You could even try writing a snowy sentence such as "It is cold".
2. Can you draw or paint a picture of a snowy day? Maybe you could include a snowman, snowflakes, or a snowy house. Use your phonics to label your picture. For example, you could label the "snow," "hat," or "tree."
Don't forget to email us pictures of your learning