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Parent Information

Nursery and Reception Home Learning 10th January


Join us on zoom at 10am to say hello to your friends and teachers.  (a text will be sent with the code)

Mathematics - 

This week we have been learning all about the Number 1 but what happens when 1 meets another 1? 

Watch the Numberblock episode:

On your fingers represent 1 on each hand and put them together how many do you have now? Thats right two. 

I would like you to look around your house can you find: 

2 socks 

2 pens 

2 books 

2 gloves

2 shoes

Send a picture of your own 2 collection of objects for our Proud Wall. 



Activity One - 

Use your Libary book or another book in the house to look at the pages with an adult.

Talk to your adult about what is in the pictures on each page. 

Can you tell them what you can see? What is happening? 

Enjoy a story together.


Activity Two -

Play voice sounds with an adult.

Begin by exploring different mouth movements with your child – blowing, sucking, tongue stretching and wiggling.

Then, show your child how they can make sounds with their voices, for example:

Make your voice go down a slide – wheee!

Make your voice bounce like a ball – boing, boing

Sound really disappointed – oh

Hiss like a snake – ssssss

Keep everyone quiet – shshshsh

Gently moo like a cow – mmmoooo

Look astonished – oooooo!

Be a steam train – chchchchch

Buzz like a bumble bee – zzzzzzz

Be a clock – tick tock.


After each voice sounds encourage your child to copy you use 'My turn, Your turn' (We use this method in school)

Don't forget to email us pictures of your learning


Join us on zoom at 11am to say hello to your friends and teachers.  (a text will be sent with the code)

Log into Little Wandle to practise your phonics


Non screen activity: 

1. Working with somebody who you live with, can you practise your subitising? Ask your grown up to set up a plate with a different number of snack items – between zero and five. How many can you see? How do you know? Can you hold up that many fingers? Repeat with numbers up to five!

2.  Can you draw a picture of what you have done in the school holidays and label your picture? Use your phonics to sound out the words and write them down.


Don't forget to email us pictures of your learning