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School Life

Yorkshire Owl Experience

This term, the children in Early years have explored the story 'Owl Babies' written by Martin Waddell. 

Owl Babies by Waddell, Martin

Year One and Two have developed their understanding and knowledge of Nocturnal animals and their habitats. 

On Thursday, we were given the first-hand experience to meet owls from the Yorkshire Owl Experience. 

We were fascinated by the different types of owls and were very inquisitive about the food they ate and where they lived.

Casper an Indian eagle owl, flew full flight in the willow hall, Jack the Barn Owl shows us how to dance and Charlie the little owl was a very cheeky chap who enjoyed being stroked and held. 

Steve shared some amazing stories all about the owls and answered all of our questions. 

What an amazing opportunity for us all including the adults!