Dear Parents and Carers,
Year 6 SATS are over!
Well done to all our Year 6 pupils for completing their SATS tests this week! We’ve been very pleased with how they have conducted themselves and are know they will have tried their best.
Changing Me meetings
If your child is in Year 1-6, they should have brought home a letter inviting you to a meeting with Mr Urry and me where we will explain changes we have made to our ‘Changing Me’ lessons after the half term holiday. The meeting for Year 1-2 is on Monday (15th May) at 9am in the Willow Hall. The meeting for Year 3-6 is on Tuesday 23rd May at 9am. We look forward to seeing you there.
Guide to Creating Stronger Passwords
Please have a read of this week’s online safety guide to creating stronger passwords to help you and your family stay safe online.
Have a great weekend!
Mr Elcock (Deputy Head)