Dear Parents and Carers,
Half term holiday next week
As you will know, our school is CLOSED next week. We re-open on Monday 20th February.
New ‘Super Hero’ prize
Starting today, we will choose 4 children at random who were Here, Every day, Ready, On time, in the last 5 days to win a £5 Love2Shop voucher. They are given it in Celebration Assembly on a Friday morning. This week someone in Nursery, Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5 won. To be in with a chance of winning, please help your child to be an Attendance HERO!
Year 6 go to Young Voices Event
Today, members of our Young Voices Club are going to sing at Sheffield Arena in a regional singing event. We hope they have a wonderful time.
After School Clubs Letters
Your child should have brought home a letter confirming which club they have places at after the half-term holiday, if they returned their club request letter before Wednesday. Please speak to a member of staff if you were expecting a letter but did not get one.
Talking with children about their digital lives
Please read the attached guide to talking to your child about their life online, as a way of helping them keep safe online.
We hope you enjoy your half-term holiday with you children and families.
From Mr Elcock